About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Lynne Hoeksema and I’m so excited that you’ve found me!

On October 16, 2017, my husband of 31 years, Dale Gilbaugh, passed away leaving all of his family and friends deeply grieving this loss.  At the urging of my friends, I began this blog, in part to help me grieve through this process.

But it’s so much more than that!  My prayer has always been that this blog would be a tool that God would use to speak to others.  If you are grieving any kind of loss, I pray that you will find some comfort in what I share.  Know that you are not alone!

If you know very little about this grieving process or how to help someone else through it, this is also for you!  Sometimes directly and sometimes through a look into my life, I share suggestions on how to be the friend that we all need during these days.

If you’d like to have a weekly dose of practical suggestions and behind the scenes perspective on how to walk with someone through their grief, please visit my ministry site.

There will be moments that make you smile or laugh, too, because this isn’t all about just being sad.  I pray that you will see how God has blessed me on this journey and taught me more than I could have imagined.  My prayer is that He will speak to you, too, through this site.

Thank you for joining me and I look forward to a long on-line relationship!

